As my life goes, plans don't always go the way I want them to. This one I am really bummed about because I was invited to the Opera in St Louis for a live tweet show. Unfortunately I have been a little unstable on my feet with a tendency to fall/faint/pass out and decided it was not a good idea. I love the opera, I mean I have operas on CD and play them, obsessed and drive my kid crazy love but I wasn't always that way. I use to cringe just at the word, Opera. I had visions of uptight aristocrats (stupid not too many of those in Chicago), evening gowns (Pretty Woman is to blame) dripping in diamonds that would look down on me. Then it's in another language that I won't understand, worse I will probably fall asleep and start snoring really loud with my mouth open. I convinced myself I hated something that I never even bothered to see or educate myself on and I was so wrong!
When I was still trying to find a way to go and looking for someone to go with me I got those same objections. One person told me that they didn't have anything to wear to go to the opera, I laughed and said they wear jeans, white shirt and black blazer to go to the opera in Paris. We are in St Louis, the heart of the Midwest and this isn't The Met Ball but I remembered those were all my objections until I was shamed into going to one. If you've never been you need to go because you are missing out on one of the most amazing experience. You are selling yourself short and depriving yourself of something so powerful. I've been to Opera's in English and other languages, I prefer an Italian Opera to be in Italian, I have never had a problem understanding the storyline.
We have all seen Pretty Woman, her in that gorgeous red gown being presented that insane diamond necklace and we can see Richard Gere falling in love with her as she falls in love with the Opera. Now the whole evening gown thing is not how you need to dress, in fact you would look out of place is pure Hollywood, the emotion a good Opera gives you is deep, exciting and breath taking. As the singers voice builds you can feel her emotion, her loss or her love even if you don't understand the words, however I believe most of the Opera's at OTSTL are in English. Before you make up your mind that you hate the opera please go to one. If I hadn't gone I would have missed out, I would still believe I didn't belong with the kind of people that go to opera's and I would keep selling myself short. The opera is for everyone, even you!!
What To Wear:
Nice top, dark jeans and ballet flats
LBD, but not a cocktail dress keep it casual
Button shirt, dark jeans/chinos and loafer. You can also add a black blazer but no tuxedo or 3 piece suits.
Of course if you want you can get more dressed up but it isn't required, like I said they don't even get overly dressed up to go in Paris! What do we tell our kids about new food, you don't know if you hate it if you don't try it!! That is great advice.
For information about The Ooera Theater of St. Louis visit OTSL https://www.opera-stl.org/contact